Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Installed magneto and flywheel

After re-installing the magneto and flywheel, I cleaned up the connections and reconnected the wires.  I decided to leave the ignition coil for now, even though I already purchased a new one.

I will clean the case when I install a new chain.
Fear the key!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

New points and condenser

Tonight at work (in between calls) I rebuilt the magneto/points plate.

Points removed

Cleaned up and tested; I priced replacement felt pads and ended-up reinstalling the original after snapping this.
I hope it works as good as it looks here.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Pulled flywheel

Today I pulled the flywheel in order to replace the points and condenser.  I was happy to find out that one of the flywheel pullers that I already owned was the correct one.

The right tool always helps.
puller tool information